5 Free Small Business Marketing Tips

by Aug 12, 2019Marketing0 comments

            If often feels as though everything business costs money.  It’s true, there is quite a lot of money wrapped up in even the smallest choices when you are in business.  However, you can absolutely find things for free if you know where to look.  When it comes to marketing that small business of yours, you might want to take a look at 5 great free options to help you out.

  • Facebook groups: Facebook is a great platform because it’s free even for small businesses.  If you want to really reach a wide audience, create a page or join a group (or both) to reach a free audience.  It will get eyeballs to your page, and when followers like or share content, facebook will programatically bost your content to more members of the group you’ll reach a wider audience.
  • Focus on mobile-friendly marketing: However you choose to do your marketing, you’ll want to make sure that it’s mobile-friendly.  In fact, it should be optimized specifically for mobile views.  Since most people use their phones to do, well, everything, a business that doesn’t jump on the mobile-friendly train is going to find themselves devoid of customers before too long.
  • Really make use of your SEO:  From keyword research, to keyword density, to the effectiveness of your chosen keywords, SEO is going to be one of the best free tools to have in your toolkit.  Updating and adapting keywords as needed will help bring people to you via search engines.  Stay away from any shady or illegal options, and stick with quality SEO.  It may take time to get views, but when you do get them, they’ll convert into sales and they’ll be better for long-term success.
  • Create a business-related blog: Another marketing perk to help you get the attention you want is to start a blog related to your business.  Not only does it help readers/shoppers see that you know what you’re talking about, it also may help them to solve smaller problems or answer questions . That way, they’ll trust you as an authoritative voice and leader in your field, and they’ll be more likely to come to you and recommend you when someone is looking for your business’ services.
  • Network with other similar bloggers/businesses: It seems strange to ever send attention or information to a rival in your business sector, but it’s actually a great helper for everyone involved.  If you can’t offer something, but you know the competition can, consider working hand in hand with them.  They’ll appreciate that you’re not out to get them and return the favor when they can, and your customer will see that you are all about taking care of their needs, not obsessed with making the sale no matter what.

            Marketing your small business takes effort and time, but when you put these 5 free tips to use, you’ll be able to find that your presence and reputation move in the right direction.  For long-term success, go the extra mile for your marketing.  It’ll pay off — literally.

Ian Montgomery

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